Preproga od A do Ž / Mini Rug from A to Z
Si crafty in se želiš na polno potunkat v tehniko in dokončat svojo preprogo v enem šusu?
Cena delavnice je 120€ in vključuje:
5 h dolga delavnica
70x70 cm velik okvir, orodje in material
pištolo za tuftanje
izbiro med različnimi barvami volne
risanje svojega motiva
kava, čaj in piškoti
prostor za izražanje svoje ustvarjalnosti
navodila in uvod v uporabo pištole
pomoč pri izdelavi izdelka od A do Ž
domov odneseš svoj tepih(ek)!
link do strani in povezav, za nadaljno raziskovanje
Pridi - veselo na delo - v naš čaroben studio v centru Ljubljane.
Lahko računaš na mojo pomoč in usmeritve ter vse potrebno orodje in material.
Paket vključuje eno preprogo in uporabo ene pištole.
Prijaviš se lahko tudi s frendico/cimrom/ljubo osebo in skupaj končaš izdelek.
Vse ostale informacije dobiš na mail ob prijavi.
Se vidimo! :)
Are you crafty and want to fully immerse yourself in the technique and complete your rug in one go?
Come join us in our magical creative studio in the center of Ljubljana.
You can count on my assistance and guidance, as well as all the necessary tools and materials.
The package includes one rug and the use of one tufting gun.
You can also sign up with a friend/roommate/loved one and finish the product together.
The workshop fee is €120, which includes:
5-hour workshop
70x70 cm large frame, tools, and materials
worth €80
Tufting gun
Choice of various wool colors
Drawing your own motif
Coffee, tea, and cookies
Space to express your creativity
Instructions and introduction to gun usage
Assistance in product creation from A to Z
Take home your rug!
Links to various websites and resources for further exploration
You'll receive all additional information via email upon registration.
See you there! :)
Si crafty in se želiš na polno potunkat v tehniko in dokončat svojo preprogo v enem šusu?
Cena delavnice je 120€ in vključuje:
5 h dolga delavnica
70x70 cm velik okvir, orodje in material
pištolo za tuftanje
izbiro med različnimi barvami volne
risanje svojega motiva
kava, čaj in piškoti
prostor za izražanje svoje ustvarjalnosti
navodila in uvod v uporabo pištole
pomoč pri izdelavi izdelka od A do Ž
domov odneseš svoj tepih(ek)!
link do strani in povezav, za nadaljno raziskovanje
Pridi - veselo na delo - v naš čaroben studio v centru Ljubljane.
Lahko računaš na mojo pomoč in usmeritve ter vse potrebno orodje in material.
Paket vključuje eno preprogo in uporabo ene pištole.
Prijaviš se lahko tudi s frendico/cimrom/ljubo osebo in skupaj končaš izdelek.
Vse ostale informacije dobiš na mail ob prijavi.
Se vidimo! :)
Are you crafty and want to fully immerse yourself in the technique and complete your rug in one go?
Come join us in our magical creative studio in the center of Ljubljana.
You can count on my assistance and guidance, as well as all the necessary tools and materials.
The package includes one rug and the use of one tufting gun.
You can also sign up with a friend/roommate/loved one and finish the product together.
The workshop fee is €120, which includes:
5-hour workshop
70x70 cm large frame, tools, and materials
worth €80
Tufting gun
Choice of various wool colors
Drawing your own motif
Coffee, tea, and cookies
Space to express your creativity
Instructions and introduction to gun usage
Assistance in product creation from A to Z
Take home your rug!
Links to various websites and resources for further exploration
You'll receive all additional information via email upon registration.
See you there! :)
Si crafty in se želiš na polno potunkat v tehniko in dokončat svojo preprogo v enem šusu?
Cena delavnice je 120€ in vključuje:
5 h dolga delavnica
70x70 cm velik okvir, orodje in material
pištolo za tuftanje
izbiro med različnimi barvami volne
risanje svojega motiva
kava, čaj in piškoti
prostor za izražanje svoje ustvarjalnosti
navodila in uvod v uporabo pištole
pomoč pri izdelavi izdelka od A do Ž
domov odneseš svoj tepih(ek)!
link do strani in povezav, za nadaljno raziskovanje
Pridi - veselo na delo - v naš čaroben studio v centru Ljubljane.
Lahko računaš na mojo pomoč in usmeritve ter vse potrebno orodje in material.
Paket vključuje eno preprogo in uporabo ene pištole.
Prijaviš se lahko tudi s frendico/cimrom/ljubo osebo in skupaj končaš izdelek.
Vse ostale informacije dobiš na mail ob prijavi.
Se vidimo! :)
Are you crafty and want to fully immerse yourself in the technique and complete your rug in one go?
Come join us in our magical creative studio in the center of Ljubljana.
You can count on my assistance and guidance, as well as all the necessary tools and materials.
The package includes one rug and the use of one tufting gun.
You can also sign up with a friend/roommate/loved one and finish the product together.
The workshop fee is €120, which includes:
5-hour workshop
70x70 cm large frame, tools, and materials
worth €80
Tufting gun
Choice of various wool colors
Drawing your own motif
Coffee, tea, and cookies
Space to express your creativity
Instructions and introduction to gun usage
Assistance in product creation from A to Z
Take home your rug!
Links to various websites and resources for further exploration
You'll receive all additional information via email upon registration.
See you there! :)