Uvod v tuftanje / Introduction to tufting


Delavnica je primerna ‘no stress’ izbira zate, ki se prvič lotevaš nečesa podobnega.

Cena delavnice je 80€, kar vključuje:

  • 3 h dolga delavnica

  • lesen okvir, orodje in material

  • pištolo za tuftanje

  • izbiro med različnimi barvami volne

  • risanje svojega motiva

  • kava, čaj in piškoti

  • prostor za izražanje svoje ustvarjalnosti

  • navodila in uvod v uporabo pištole

  • pomoč pri izdelavi izdelka

  • domov odneseš svoj tepih(ek) cca 35x35 cm

  • link do različnih spletnih strani in povezav, za nadaljno raziskovanje

Se želiš preizkusit v uporabi tufting pištole in izdelat umetniško tapiserijo za na steno ali manjšo preprogo?

V udobnem in odštekano umetniškem zelenem atriju v centru Ljubljane si bomo delili ustvarjalni prostor.

Pri tem lahko računaš na mojo pomoč in usmeritve ter vse potrebno orodje in material.

Iiiiin še en bonbonček: za vsakega frenda, ki ga pripelješ, dobiš 20% popusta 🤍 povej vsem! ;)

Ostale informacije dobiš na mail ob prijavi.



Workshop is lead in Slovene & English:


This workshop is suitable for those who are approaching something similar for the first time.

Do you want to try using a tufting gun and create an artistic tapestry for the wall or a smaller rug?

In that case, this 3-hour workshop is the perfect 'no stress' choice for you.

In the comfortable and artistically vibrant green atrium in the center of Ljubljana, we will share a creative space.

You can count on my assistance and guidance, as well as all the necessary tools and materials.

The workshop fee is €80, which includes:

  • 3-hour workshop

  • Wooden frame, tools, and materials worth €50

  • Tufting gun

  • Choice of various wool colors

  • Drawing your own motif

  • Coffee, tea, and cookies

  • Space to express your creativity

  • Instructions and introduction to gun usage

  • Assistance in product creation

  • Take home your rug approximately 35x35 cm

  • Links to various websites and resources for further exploration

And one more treat: for every friend you bring, you get a 20% discount 🤍 spread the word! ;)

You'll receive all additional information via email upon registration.

See you there! :)

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Delavnica je primerna ‘no stress’ izbira zate, ki se prvič lotevaš nečesa podobnega.

Cena delavnice je 80€, kar vključuje:

  • 3 h dolga delavnica

  • lesen okvir, orodje in material

  • pištolo za tuftanje

  • izbiro med različnimi barvami volne

  • risanje svojega motiva

  • kava, čaj in piškoti

  • prostor za izražanje svoje ustvarjalnosti

  • navodila in uvod v uporabo pištole

  • pomoč pri izdelavi izdelka

  • domov odneseš svoj tepih(ek) cca 35x35 cm

  • link do različnih spletnih strani in povezav, za nadaljno raziskovanje

Se želiš preizkusit v uporabi tufting pištole in izdelat umetniško tapiserijo za na steno ali manjšo preprogo?

V udobnem in odštekano umetniškem zelenem atriju v centru Ljubljane si bomo delili ustvarjalni prostor.

Pri tem lahko računaš na mojo pomoč in usmeritve ter vse potrebno orodje in material.

Iiiiin še en bonbonček: za vsakega frenda, ki ga pripelješ, dobiš 20% popusta 🤍 povej vsem! ;)

Ostale informacije dobiš na mail ob prijavi.



Workshop is lead in Slovene & English:


This workshop is suitable for those who are approaching something similar for the first time.

Do you want to try using a tufting gun and create an artistic tapestry for the wall or a smaller rug?

In that case, this 3-hour workshop is the perfect 'no stress' choice for you.

In the comfortable and artistically vibrant green atrium in the center of Ljubljana, we will share a creative space.

You can count on my assistance and guidance, as well as all the necessary tools and materials.

The workshop fee is €80, which includes:

  • 3-hour workshop

  • Wooden frame, tools, and materials worth €50

  • Tufting gun

  • Choice of various wool colors

  • Drawing your own motif

  • Coffee, tea, and cookies

  • Space to express your creativity

  • Instructions and introduction to gun usage

  • Assistance in product creation

  • Take home your rug approximately 35x35 cm

  • Links to various websites and resources for further exploration

And one more treat: for every friend you bring, you get a 20% discount 🤍 spread the word! ;)

You'll receive all additional information via email upon registration.

See you there! :)

Delavnica je primerna ‘no stress’ izbira zate, ki se prvič lotevaš nečesa podobnega.

Cena delavnice je 80€, kar vključuje:

  • 3 h dolga delavnica

  • lesen okvir, orodje in material

  • pištolo za tuftanje

  • izbiro med različnimi barvami volne

  • risanje svojega motiva

  • kava, čaj in piškoti

  • prostor za izražanje svoje ustvarjalnosti

  • navodila in uvod v uporabo pištole

  • pomoč pri izdelavi izdelka

  • domov odneseš svoj tepih(ek) cca 35x35 cm

  • link do različnih spletnih strani in povezav, za nadaljno raziskovanje

Se želiš preizkusit v uporabi tufting pištole in izdelat umetniško tapiserijo za na steno ali manjšo preprogo?

V udobnem in odštekano umetniškem zelenem atriju v centru Ljubljane si bomo delili ustvarjalni prostor.

Pri tem lahko računaš na mojo pomoč in usmeritve ter vse potrebno orodje in material.

Iiiiin še en bonbonček: za vsakega frenda, ki ga pripelješ, dobiš 20% popusta 🤍 povej vsem! ;)

Ostale informacije dobiš na mail ob prijavi.



Workshop is lead in Slovene & English:


This workshop is suitable for those who are approaching something similar for the first time.

Do you want to try using a tufting gun and create an artistic tapestry for the wall or a smaller rug?

In that case, this 3-hour workshop is the perfect 'no stress' choice for you.

In the comfortable and artistically vibrant green atrium in the center of Ljubljana, we will share a creative space.

You can count on my assistance and guidance, as well as all the necessary tools and materials.

The workshop fee is €80, which includes:

  • 3-hour workshop

  • Wooden frame, tools, and materials worth €50

  • Tufting gun

  • Choice of various wool colors

  • Drawing your own motif

  • Coffee, tea, and cookies

  • Space to express your creativity

  • Instructions and introduction to gun usage

  • Assistance in product creation

  • Take home your rug approximately 35x35 cm

  • Links to various websites and resources for further exploration

And one more treat: for every friend you bring, you get a 20% discount 🤍 spread the word! ;)

You'll receive all additional information via email upon registration.

See you there! :)